Introduction to Playwriting (12/28/2012)
December 28, 2012 | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Grade Level: 9 - 12 | Class Cap: 20
Course Fee: $250 ( Lunch & Snack provided)
Do you have a passion for effective presentation?
Do characters and storylines fascinate and inspire you?
Introduction to Playwriting will introduce you to the unique craft and techniques involved in translating an idea from brain to page, and page to performance. Through reading, writing, and discussion, you will learn the basics of narrative structure, how to construct compelling monologs, and write dialogue that is more than just chit chat.
In this highly interactive class, you will also have the opportunity to see your own writing performed by other students, and will begin developing an ability to write with an awareness of a real audience for your work—a vital element to effective storytelling in all forms from novels, college essays, to scientific presentations.

Crystal Liu is a student at Yale University where she studies English and Theatre. She has won several state and national honors for playwriting and music, and her short play Once, A Symphony for Thoughts won 2nd place in the 2011 Princeton University Ten-Minute Play Contest.
Katie May is a Playwright, Comedy Writer, Performer and Educator. Her dramatic works have been produced and developed in California, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Australia. She is an active member of the San Francisco PlayGround Writers Pool where she received the PlayGround E-merging Writers Award for 2011. She holds an Master of Fine Arts degree in Playwriting from ASU.
Also read "Why Should Every Student Take a Playwriting Class, including Science Geeks?"