Strategic Study Skills for the Achieving High School Student

July 27, 2013  |  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Grade Level: Rising 9 - 12   |  Class Cap: 20

Course Fee: $159 (lunch & snack included)

In college, time is short and assignments are long. Expectations are even higher than in high school, and unless students begin early to develop their best personal study habits, they may be left behind. Often students adopt what they believe is “the right way” for them to study. Yet many of the habits taught, or adopted by students, are scientifically unsound, counter-intuitive or simply don’t work. Often, students believe that they should just “use what works for them” without exploring the many ways that others have found success and improved work habits. Being exposed to a wide array of approaches allows students to explore and find ways to study smarter.

In this class, students will be exposed to diverse study skills, from skills that can improve time management, focus and concentration, goal setting and motivation, to resisting procrastination and getting and staying organized. These skills will be applied to academic areas such as reading and comprehension, note taking, strategic test taking, and even how to form a successful study group!

Who should attend?  Rising 9th – 12th graders who are looking for ideas on how to improve the quality of their study skills. 

Special Instructions: In the event that our instructor chooses to use laptops for a portion of the class, you may wish to bring a fully charged laptop. In addition, bring whatever will make you comfortable (such as a sweater) for your time with us.

This is a summer lass for high school students.

Registration for this class will close 48 hours before the class begins. If you have not yet registered your student during those final 48 hours, please contact us so that we may confirm whether seats are still open for the class.


Harmony Shrewsbury

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Harmony Shrewsbury is raised in Berkeley, California and graduated Cum Laude from UCLA in 2007. She recently received her Masters in Education from UCLA as well, and is double credentialed in both Math and English. Ms. Harmony teaches Foundational Mathematics at the high school level and enjoys mentoring college-bound students. She specializes in developing students academic vocabulary and conceptual understandings through the use of technology, SADIE strategies, graphic organizers, and manipulatives.